tisdag 8 november 2016

English 02A - weeks 45-47

En 02A   Reading a book - weeks 45-47

1.     Choose a book that you can finish in three weeks.
2.    Read a lot at home and during some of the lessons in school.
3.    While you are reading prepare your book review which will be a keynote. Make your preparations during class and at home.
4.    Week 48 – present your keynote to the class

Book review – keynote
1.     A photo of the book cover

2.    A SHORT summary of the story without revealing the end.
Use keywords/pictures!

3.    Find some facts about the author. What else has she/he written? Use keywords/pictures! Sources!!!

4.    An illustration – Why is this picture/photo/thing typical for the book.

5.    Reading a passage aloud – a photo of that passage. Why did you choose this passage?

6.    New words! Choose 5 words you didn’t know or weren’t sure about. Copy the whole sentence where the word is, underline/mark the word and translate the whole sentence into Swedish and underline/mark the Swedish word as well.

7.    Something that you liked in this book.

8.    Something that could be better.

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