lördag 21 oktober 2017

02C English - week 43

Hi students!

Only one more week and then you finally have your well deserved autumn break!
Until that we still have some work to do. As you can see I'm finally active on the blog. :)
You really did great work practicing for the national test. We will do some more practicing after the break.
For your information: Your national test will be on WEDNESDAY WEEK 47.

We will start the week with another vocabulary test about words relating to labour market (Google Classroom).

The grammar leaflet needs to be done by week 45. Make sure you have corrected it before you hand it in to me. (Corrections you can find on Google Classroom) Some of you are already done so of course you can hand it in next week as well.

Next week you will finally present your profession. (Instructions Google Classroom)
Make sure to upload your keynote presentation and your text in Google Classroom.

I'm looking forward to your presentations!
Study hard!

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